10 Line on International Migrants Day

10 Line on International Migrants Day

The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is annually observed on December 18. It is held to recognize the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants globally. every year the UN invites governments, organizations, and individuals to celebrates International Migrants Day by spreading knowledge about the human rights and migrants’ fundamental freedoms. In this post we are sharing some lines on international Migrants day. I hope this will helpful for you.



10 Line on International Migrants Day

  1. The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is annually held on December 18 
  2. The General Assembly established December 18 as International Migrants Day On December 4, 2000, .
  3. It is celebrated to recognize the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants globally.
  4. Each year the UN invites governments, organizations, and individuals to observe International Migrants Day
  5. On this Day UN distributing information on the human rights and migrants’ fundamental freedoms.
  6. People are also invited to share their experiences and contribute to designing action plans to ensure their protection.
  7. Many organizations and communities celebrate the day through various activities
  8. It is observed to aware the public with facts about migrants, problems with human trafficking, the lives of migrant workers and ways to combat racism.
  9. International Migrants Day is a global observance and not a public holiday.
  10. The UN emblem may be found in material promoting International Migrants Day.
10 Line on International Migrants Day
10 Line on International Migrants Day


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