10 Lines on World Kidney Day in English

10 Lines on World Kidney Day

World Kidney Day occurs every second Thursday of March. World Kidney Day is an annual global campaign aimed at raising awareness about the importance of kidney health. Here are 10 lines to shed light on this crucial day:

  • World Kidney Day is celebrated each year on the second Thursday in March.
  • This year it will be celebrated on 14 March 2024.
  • World Kidney Day was first observed in 2006 by 66 nations around the world.
  • World Kidney Day is celebrated to bring issues in light about kidney significance to our general body well-being.
  • It is also observed to raise awareness about the various kidney diseases that how they can affect our life.
  • Every year, the government, NGOs and many other institutions organizes many programs on kidney-related diseases.
  • This Day was established in 2006 to raise awareness about the importance of kidneys.
  • With a healthy lifestyles like exercise, a healthy diet, tobacco control can prevent us by kidney-related diseases.
  • Staying active helps in many areas to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • World Kidney Day is celebrated with a new theme to highlight the harmful effects of kidney diseases .
  • This day also raise awareness about what our kidneys do and what can happen when they are not working properly.


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