Essay on Organic Farming in India

Organic Farming in India: A Sustainable Agricultural Approach


Organic farming has emerged as a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to agriculture in India. It is a system of farming that avoids the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Instead, it relies on natural processes to maintain soil fertility and manage pests. In this essay, we will explore the meaning of organic farming, the need for it, organic standards, production practices, certification, and the prospects of organic farming in India.

Meaning of Organic Farming:

Organic farming is a holistic approach to agriculture that emphasizes the natural balance and sustainable use of resources such as soil, air, and water. It is rooted in the philosophy of “feeding the soil, not the plant.” This approach focuses on improving soil fertility rather than supplying nutrients directly to crop plants. While organic farming in the past relied solely on traditional methods, modern organic farming has incorporated improved crop varieties, agricultural machinery, vermicomposting, bio-fertilizers, and bio-pesticides.

Need for Organic Farming:

The need for organic farming arises from the adverse effects of conventional agricultural practices. The green revolution, while increasing food grain production, led to environmental degradation and soil health deterioration. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, neglect of organic manures, and the burning of crop residues had harmful consequences. Contamination of groundwater due to the excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers, pesticide residues in agricultural products, and the decline of traditional pulse and oilseed crops are some of the issues that necessitated a shift to organic farming.

Awareness of the adverse effects of modern agriculture and the increasing demand for organic food products have led to the development of organic farming in India. A significant demand exists in the global organic food market for products like tea, basmati rice, spices, fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cotton. The USA, Japan, and the European Union are major organic food markets. In response to this demand, the area under organic farming in India has increased significantly.

Organic Standards:

India established organic standards in 2004, which have been accepted by the USA, Japan, and the European Union. These standards are comprehensive, covering not only production but also processing, storage, and transportation. The primary goal of these standards is to maintain the integrity of organic products from production to consumption.

Some key standards for agricultural production include the prohibition of crop residue burning, the use of organic or untreated conventional seeds, the inclusion of legumes in cropping systems, and restrictions on genetically modified crops. Additionally, natural or artificial buffers separate organic farms from conventional farms, and the use of all agrochemicals and contaminated water is prohibited.

Organic Production Practices:

Organic production practices share many similarities with conventional farming, such as the use of improved seed varieties, sowing methods, and crop rotation. However, organic farming prohibits the use of herbicides for weed control. Instead, weeds are managed through practices like crop rotation, cultural methods, and manual weeding.

Soil fertility is maintained through organic inputs such as farmyard manure, vermicomposting, compost, bio-fertilizers (e.g., Rhizobium, Azotobacterial), and non-edible cakes (e.g., castor cake). Pesticides are replaced with beneficial insects, bio-pesticides (e.g., Bt, Trichogramma), traps, and natural substances like neem extracts. Disease management involves bio-fungicides like Trichoderma and mixed cropping to manage insect pests and diseases.

Organic Certification:

While certification is not required for personal consumption or direct sales to known consumers, it becomes necessary when selling organic products in the market or for export. Certification guarantees to consumers that the organic product complies with organic standards. India has twenty-four authorized certification agencies for organic farming. To obtain certification, a farmer must register the farm with a certification agency, and the produce can be certified as organic for crops sown two years after registration.

Prospects of Organic Farming:

The prospects of organic farming in India are promising. While organic farming may not be a solution to all agricultural challenges, it addresses many issues related to environmental degradation, chemical pesticide usage, and soil health. The demand for organic food products continues to grow, both domestically and in international markets.

However, it is essential to consider the limitations of organic farming. Lower crop yields and the lack of a robust marketing mechanism can pose challenges, particularly concerning food grain production. To address food security concerns, it is advisable to promote integrated crop production in the green revolution belt, combining chemical and non-chemical methods. In rainfed areas, where organic practices align with natural resource conservation, the focus should be on cultivating non-food crops to avoid adverse effects on food security.


Organic farming is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to agriculture in India. It addresses various challenges associated with conventional farming practices. While it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, the prospects of organic farming in India are bright, and its continued growth will contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible agricultural sector.


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