Sorting Materials into Groups-Class 6 | Talk With Shivi

Sorting Materials into Groups

In science, materials can be sorted into various groups based on different properties and characteristics. Here are some common ways to sort materials into groups for a class 6 science lesson:

Sorting Materials into Groups


  1. Natural and Artificial Materials:

    • Natural materials: These are substances that occur in nature without human intervention, such as wood, cotton, wool, leather, stone, and minerals.
    • Artificial materials: These are human-made or synthetic materials, typically produced by combining or modifying natural resources, such as plastics, glass, nylon, polyester, and rubber.
  2. Raw Materials and Manufactured Materials:

    • Raw materials: These are materials extracted directly from nature and used to make other products. Examples include minerals, ores, crude oil, timber, and agricultural crops.
    • Manufactured materials: These are materials that are processed or manufactured from raw materials. Examples include paper, metal alloys, fabrics, glass, and ceramics.
  3. Conductors and Insulators:

    • Conductors: These are materials that allow the flow of heat or electricity. Examples include metals like copper, aluminum, and silver.
    • Insulators: These are materials that do not allow the flow of heat or electricity easily. Examples include rubber, plastic, wood, and glass.
  4. Solids, Liquids, and Gases:

    • Solids: These are materials with a fixed shape and volume. Examples include wood, stone, metal, and plastic.
    • Liquids: These are materials that have a definite volume but take the shape of their container. Examples include water, milk, oil, and juice.
    • Gases: These are materials that have no fixed shape or volume and tend to fill the available space. Examples include air, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
  5. Magnetic and Non-magnetic Materials:

    • Magnetic materials: These are materials that are attracted to magnets. Examples include iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel.
    • Non-magnetic materials: These are materials that are not attracted to magnets. Examples include wood, plastic, glass, and rubber.

These are just a few examples of how materials can be sorted into groups. The specific sorting criteria can vary depending on the learning objectives and curriculum of the class.

Certainly! Here’s a table explaining various things around us:

Category Examples Explanation
Natural Objects Trees, rocks, rivers, mountains Natural objects are elements of the environment that exist without human intervention. They are formed through natural processes over time.
Man-Made Objects Buildings, roads, cars, phones Man-made objects are created by humans for various purposes, such as shelter, transportation, communication, and convenience. They are designed and constructed using human knowledge and skills.
Living Organisms Animals, plants, humans Living organisms are biological entities that exhibit life processes such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, and response to stimuli. They can be further categorized into different species and ecosystems.
Materials Wood, metal, plastic, glass Materials are substances used to create objects or fulfill specific purposes. They can be natural or synthetic and possess different properties such as hardness, durability, flexibility, and conductivity.
Natural Phenomena Rain, lightning, sunrise, earthquake Natural phenomena are events or occurrences that happen in nature without human control. They can be observed and studied to understand the workings of the Earth and the universe.
Technologies Computers, smartphones, internet, vehicles Technologies are advancements or applications of scientific knowledge to create tools, machines, and systems that facilitate human activities and improve efficiency. They have transformed various aspects of our lives.
Energy Sources Sunlight, wind, fossil fuels, hydroelectricity Energy sources are substances or phenomena that provide power or energy. They can be renewable (such as solar and wind) or non-renewable (such as fossil fuels) and play a vital role in powering our society.
Communication Tools Telephones, radios, television, internet Communication tools enable the exchange of information and ideas between individuals or groups over short or long distances. They have revolutionized global connectivity and information sharing.

3. State whether the statements given below are True or False:

(i)Stone is transparent, while glass is opaque. : False

(ii) A notebook has lustre while eraser does not. : False

(iii) Chalk dissolves in water. : False

(iv) A piece of wood floats on water. : True

v) Sugar does not dissolve in water. False

vi) Oil mixes with water. : False

vii) Sand settles down in water. :True

viii) Vinegar dissolves in water. :True



a) Baby (others are furniture items)

b) Boat (others are types of flowers)

c) Sand (others are metals)

d) Copper sulphate (others are natural substances)

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