Easy Poem on Holi in English

Easy Poem on Holi

**Red, yellow, green, and blue,**

**Colors dance in the morning dew.**

**Holi is here, let’s celebrate,**

**With joy, laughter, and love so great.**

**The sun smiles down from the sky,**

**As we throw colors up high.**

**Faces painted, hearts elated,**

**Holi magic, unabated.**

**Sweets and treats, we share with glee,**

**Underneath the flowering tree.**

**Water balloons and playful splashes,**

**Holi fun in all its flashes.**

**Dance to the beat of drums and song,**

**As the festival hours prolong.**

**Friends and family, side by side,**

**In this colorful carnival ride.**

**Holi Hai! Let’s sing and sway,**

**Chase worries and sorrows away.**

**With every hue, a new beginning,**

**Holi’s joy forever spinning.**

Read More: Poem on Basant Panchami

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