Essay on World Poetry Day | Speech on World Poetry Day

Essay on World Poetry Day


World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on March 21st, marking a day dedicated to celebrating the art of poetry and its ability to inspire, provoke, and transform. This day was first established in 1999 by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, as a way to recognize the unique contribution that poetry makes to the world. Poetry is an integral part of many cultures and has been used throughout history to express human emotions, experiences, and perspectives. In this essay, we will explore the significance of World Poetry Day, the role of poetry in society, and the impact of poetry on individuals and communities.

when poetry day

Significance of World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of poetry from different cultures and languages around the world. It is a day to recognize the power of poetry to inspire and move people, and to highlight the important role that poetry plays in human culture. This day encourages people to explore and appreciate poetry in all its forms, whether it be through reading, writing, or sharing.

The significance of World Poetry Day lies in its ability to unite people across different cultures and backgrounds through the common language of poetry. Poetry has the power to break down barriers and to connect people on a deep emotional level. It can be used to express the pain and suffering of war, the joy and beauty of nature, or the complexities of love and relationships. Through poetry, we can explore our shared humanity and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Role of Poetry in Society

Poetry has played an important role in society throughout history. It has been used to express social and political commentary, to document historical events, and to celebrate cultural traditions. Poetry has also been used to challenge dominant narratives and to give voice to marginalized communities.

One of the key roles of poetry in society is to serve as a form of resistance. Poetry has been used to challenge oppressive systems and to give voice to those who have been silenced. In many countries around the world, poets have been imprisoned or persecuted for speaking out against oppressive regimes. Poetry also serves as a means of preserving cultural traditions and celebrating cultural identity. Many indigenous cultures around the world use poetry as a way to pass on their traditions and to celebrate their unique perspectives on the world. In addition, poetry has been used as a means of celebrating national identity and pride. For example, the national anthem of India, “Jana Gana Mana,” was written in the form of a poem and celebrates the diversity and unity of the Indian nation.

Impact of Poetry on Individuals and Communities

The impact of poetry on individuals and communities is profound. Poetry has the power to inspire, to heal, and to transform. It can provide solace and comfort during times of hardship and can help individuals make sense of the world around them. In addition, poetry can foster a sense of community and belonging, connecting individuals with others who share similar experiences and perspectives.

Poetry played a significant role in India’s freedom struggle against British colonial rule. Indian poets used their literary skills to express their opposition to colonialism and to inspire the Indian people to fight for their independence. These poets used their verses to highlight the injustices of colonial rule, to rally the masses, and to create a sense of national identity and pride.

One of the most prominent Indian poets during the freedom struggle was Rabindranath Tagore, who was the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. Tagore’s poetry was widely read and celebrated in India and around the world, and he used his platform to advocate for Indian independence. In his poetry, Tagore celebrated the beauty and richness of Indian culture and expressed his belief that India could achieve its full potential only if it was free from colonial rule.

Other Indian poets, such as Sarojini Naidu and Muhammad Iqbal, also played an important role in the freedom struggle. Naidu, known as the Nightingale of India, was a gifted poet and orator who used her poetry to inspire the Indian people and to raise awareness of the injustices of colonial rule. Iqbal, a Muslim poet who later became the national poet of Pakistan, wrote powerful verses that advocated for the rights of Indian Muslims and their struggle against British colonialism.

In addition to these prominent poets, there were many others who used their poetry to inspire and mobilize the Indian people during the freedom struggle. These poets wrote in different languages, including Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and Tamil, and their poetry played a significant role in creating a sense of national identity and pride among the Indian people.

Poetry can also serve as a form of therapy, helping individuals to process their emotions and experiences. Poetry therapy has been used as a form of treatment for individuals suffering from mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.


World Poetry Day serves as an important reminder of the significance of poetry in our world. It celebrates the diversity of poetic expression from around the world and highlights the powerful impact that poetry can have on individuals and communities. Poetry plays a vital role in society, serving as a form of resistance, a means of cultural preservation, and a tool for social commentary. Through poetry, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and connect with others on a deep emotional level. As we celebrate World Poetry Day, let us take the time to appreciate the beauty and power of poetry and to recognize its important role in human culture.

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