Small Poem on Mahatma Gandhi | Poem on Independence Day

Poem on Mahatma Gandhi

Dandi Salt March


In India’s land, a hero bold,

Mahatma Gandhi, as history’s told.

With peaceful heart and guiding light,

He led the way for what’s right.

Satyagraha, his weapon strong,

Against injustice, he stood along.

Nonviolence was his cherished creed,

A path he followed, with care and heed.

Salt March, Dandi, a symbol true,

Protesting taxes, he knew what to do.

Kindness and love, he spread around,

Uniting a nation, with no bounds.

Gandhiji’s teachings still shine so bright,

A beacon of hope, in day and night.

For kids to learn, his story is gold,

A true inspiration, forever to hold.

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