10 Lines Short Stories with Moral | Short Stories in English

Short Stories in English With Moral

Short stories have a magical way of transporting us to different worlds and teaching us valuable lessons along the way. In this collection of English short stories for kids, you’ll embark on exciting adventures, meet interesting characters, and uncover essential morals that will stay with you as you grow. Get ready to explore the power of friendship, the importance of kindness, and the wonders of perseverance through these enchanting tales.

The Dog and the Bone | The Greedy Dog 

Greedy dog story

  1. A dog roamed the streets, hungry day and night.
  2. One day, he found a big, juicy bone and took it home.
  3. On his way home, he crossed a river
  4. He saw another dog with a bone.
  5. Greedily He wanted that bone for himself, too.
  6. He opened his mouth.
  7. Sadly, the bone he had fell into the river and sank.
  8. That night, the dog went home with an empty stomach.
  9. The story warns against greed and envy.
  10. Be content with what you have.

Moral : The story warns against greediness.
             Be content with what you have.


The Thirsty Crow:

Thirsty Crow

  1. After a long flight, a thirsty crow sought water in the forest.
  2. Spotting a pot with water, the crow faced a problem – its beak couldn’t reach.
  3. Not giving up, the clever crow noticed pebbles nearby.
  4. Ingeniously, it dropped pebbles into the pot one by one.
  5. Gradually, the water level rose closer to the top.
  6. Soon, the crow could drink from the now-filled pot.
  7. The story emphasizes the crow’s determination to solve a problem.
  8. Its resourcefulness in using pebbles teaches a valuable lesson.
  9. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
  10. Persistence and creativity lead to success.

Moral: Where there’s a will, there’s a way


The Hare and the Tortoise:

The Hare and the Tortoise

  1. A hare and tortoise were friends.
  2. The hare challenged the tortoise to a race.
  3. Confident due to the tortoise’s slowness, the hare expected an easy win.
  4. During the race, the hare decided to take a nap.
  5. Unaware, the tortoise continued its slow but steady pace.
  6. Upon waking, the hare found the tortoise already at the finish line.
  7. Surprised and disappointed, the hare realized he lost the race.
  8. The moral is not underestimating others and avoiding overconfidence.
  9. The tortoise’s perseverance led to victory.
  10. The story teaches the lesson: Slow and steady wins the race.

Moral : overconfidence can sometimes ruin you.

            While the tortoise teaches us about the power of perseverance.

            Life’s about consistency, not just speed.


The Ant and the Grasshopper:

  1. A grasshopper and an ant were good friends.
  2. In summer, the ant worked hard, storing food.
  3. The grasshopper played, enjoying the fine weather.
  4. Winter arrived; the ant had cozy shelter and food.
  5. The grasshopper was hungry and freezing.
  6. Starved, it asked the ant for food, who lent some.
  7. Not enough, the grasshopper asked for more.
  8. The ant had limited food for its family.
  9. Regretful, the grasshopper wished it had prepared.
  10. Moral: Conserve resources and prepare for the future.

Moral: Conserve resources and prepare for the future.


Wolf and Shepherd Story | The Boy who Cried Wolf:

Wolf and Shepherd Story

  1. A naughty boy cared for sheep.
  2. He loved tricking villagers with false alarms.
  3. Shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!” as a prank.
  4. Villagers rushed to help; boy laughed.
  5. He repeated the trick the next day.
  6. Villagers deceived again, but no wolf.
  7. On the third day, a real wolf appeared.
  8. Boy cried for help; villagers doubted.
  9. Sadly, the wolf devoured the sheep.
  10. Lying destroys trust; be truthful, or face consequences.

Moral: stay away from lies


The Ugly Duckling:

  1. A farmer had four eggs, three ducklings looked alike, but the fourth was different.
  2. The unique duckling was larger and plain gray.
  3. Always feeling out of place, he faced teasing and bullying from his siblings.
  4. Tired of the mistreatment, he ran away to a river.
  5. There, he found a family of elegant swans.
  6. Observing them, he discovered he was a swan, not a duckling.
  7. Realizing he would grow into a beautiful swan, his sadness lifted.
  8. The story teaches not to judge based on appearance.
  9. Differences can be strengths, and beauty can emerge over time.
  10. The ugly duckling found acceptance and grew into a majestic swan.

Moral: Everyone is beautiful in their own individual way


The Elephant and the Ants:

The Elephant and the Ants


  1. An arrogant elephant bullied smaller animals, especially ants.
  2. He destroyed ants’ homes by spraying water on anthills.
  3. The tiny ants could only cry and beg for mercy.
  4. Ignoring them, the elephant boasted about his power.
  5. Fed up, the ants united to teach the elephant a lesson.
  6. They entered his trunk and started biting him.
  7. The elephant howled in pain, realizing his mistake.
  8. In agony, he apologized to the ants.
  9. The lesson learned, he never bullied again.
  10. The story teaches the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

Moral: Always treat others with kindness and respect


The Fox and The Grapes:

The Fox and The Grapes Short stories

  1. In a vineyard, a hungry fox found juicy grapes.
  2. Desiring them, he jumped but couldn’t reach.
  3. Frustrated, he convinced himself they were sour.
  4. Disappointed, the fox decided to leave.
  5. That night, he went to sleep hungry.
  6. The story teaches about handling disappointment.
  7. Sometimes, we belittle what we can’t have.
  8. The fox’s assumption led to an empty stomach.
  9. Don’t make excuses when faced with failure.
  10. Learn to accept and handle disappointments wisely.

Moral : Don’t make excuses when faced with failure


The Talking Birds:

The Talking Birds

  1. Two talking birds lived with their parents.
  2. A villager captured them when parents were away.
  3. One bird escaped, searched for its parents.
  4. It found a hermitage, got a warm welcome and food.
  5. Enjoyed a happy life there.
  6. Another bird was encountered by an explorer.
  7. The captured bird was rude, surprising the explorer.
  8. The explorer later found a respectful talking bird in the hermitage.
  9. The hermitage bird welcomed the explorer warmly.
  10. The story teaches about manners and the importance of kindness.

Moral : The people we surround ourselves with shape our behavior. 


The Lion and the Poor Slave:



  1. Once, a mistreated slave fled to the forest.
  2. There, he found a lion with a thorn in its paw.
  3. Despite fear, the slave removed the thorn bravely.
  4. Grateful, the lion didn’t harm the slave and ran away.
  5. Later, the master caught the slave and some animals.
  6. Slave was ordered into the lion’s den as punishment.
  7. Inside, he recognized the lion he helped before.
  8. The lion remembered and spared the slave.
  9. The slave cleverly freed all the animals in the den.
  10. The story teaches kindness returns in unexpected ways.

Moral : Do Good Have Good




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