Anchoring Script for a School’s Annual Function

Certainly! An anchoring script for a school’s annual function should be lively, engaging, and informative. Here’s a sample script that you can customize to fit your specific event:


Host 1: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We extend a warm welcome to each one of you on behalf of [School Name]. Today is a day of celebration, a day to acknowledge the hard work and achievements of our talented students.

Host 2: Absolutely! It’s that time of the year when we come together to witness the magic that our students have created. So, buckle up for an evening filled with entertainment, inspiration, and memories.

[Welcome Address]

Host 1: Before we dive into the festivities, let’s take a moment to express our gratitude. We are honored to have with us [Guest of Honor’s Name], [Principal’s Name], and all the respected teachers, parents, and esteemed guests.

Host 2: Your presence adds immense value to our celebration. Thank you for being here.

[Lighting of the Lamp]

Host 1: To inaugurate this auspicious evening, let’s invite [Guest of Honor’s Name], [Principal’s Name], and [Chief Guest’s Name] to the stage for the traditional lighting of the lamp ceremony.


Host 2: Now, get ready to be enthralled by the incredible talents of our students. We have a series of captivating performances lined up for you – from mesmerizing dances to soulful music.

[Insert performances and acts]

[Speech by Principal/Guest of Honor]

Host 1: [Principal’s Name]/[Guest of Honor’s Name], may we please request you to share a few words of inspiration with our students and guests?


[Distribution of Awards]

Host 2: It’s time to recognize and applaud the hard work of our diligent students. We’ll now present awards for academic excellence, sports achievements, and extracurricular activities.

[Insert awards presentation]

[Cultural Program]

Host 1: Let’s continue with the cultural extravaganza! We have a spectacular play/skit prepared by our talented drama club. Get ready to be entertained and inspired!

[Insert cultural performances]

[Vote of Thanks]

Host 2: As we near the end of this wonderful evening, let’s express our gratitude to everyone who made this event possible. A big thank you to the teachers, parents, students, and our dedicated organizing committee.


Host 1: And with that, we conclude our annual day celebration. We hope you enjoyed the performances and festivities. Have a fantastic evening ahead!

Host 2: Thank you for being a part of [School Name]’s annual function. Until next time, goodbye and take care!

Feel free to customize the script based on your school’s specific details and requirements.

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