QuillBot and EditPad are two popular toolkit websites offering several valuable tools that users can use for different purposes. Summary generators are one of their popularly known tools. They allow users to quickly summarize long pieces of text shortly and concisely without damaging the actual meaning. 

Both QuillBot and EditPad claim to have the best summary generator, and this claim often leaves the user confused about which one they should choose. So, to ease the user decision-making process, we have decided to come up with a complete comparison discussing both the good side and bad sides of these summary generators. So, let us get started with the QuillBot summary generator. 

QuillBot Summary Generator – Overview

QuillBot summary generator quickly understands the given text and then generates a short and concise version of it using advanced AI algorithms. The generator works on an abstractive summarization technique, which means it will summarize the text by using new words and phrases that the given input may not contain. 

It is used to summarize blog posts, research papers, long-form business documents, etc. Moreover, when it comes to giving input, the generator supports multiple ways: one way is directly typing or pasting the text in the given box, and the other is uploading the required from the computer storage. 

Additionally, it allows users to either copy or download the output results. It is a freemium summary generator, allowing users with no accounts to summarize up to 600 words. While users with registered accounts can summarize up to 1200 words. And users with premium accounts can summarize up to 6,000 words. 

One important thing to remember is that the QuillBot summary generator does not support multiple languages. It only supports English from four different countries (UK, US, Canada, and Australia). 

Useful Features of QuillBot Summary Generator

Although, you have understood almost everything in this summary generator. However multiple features need to be known. Those features are as follows: 

  1. Adjust Summary Length:

QuillBot summary generator allows users to adjust the summary of the output. Adjusting this length will force the generator to provide output results while sticking to the adjusted length. Users can adjust the length from short to long, according to their summarizing requirements. 

To explain better how this feature works, we have summarized some passages from this article while adjusting the summary length. The output we got is in the picture below:

So, the generator has provided the summarized text of adjusted length. Our input text was 117 words long, while the output text was just 43 long delivering only the main points from the input text. 

 2. Summarize text in the form of bullet points or by paragraph.

Another useful feature of the QuillBot summary generator is that it allows users to summarize the text either in the form of bullet points or paragraphs. If the user goes with bullet points, the generator will provide the output results using bullet points. 

On the other hand, if the users go with a paragraph summary, the generator will provide summarized text results in the form of a paragraph. The paragraph will also discuss important points from the input text. 

 3. Integration of Paraphrasing tool:

Last but not least, the QuillBot summary generator also offers an integrated paraphrasing tool. Users can make use of this tool to paraphrase the summarized text if they are not satisfied with the generated summary. The Paraphrase summary tool rephrases the text by using more appropriate words, changing sentence structure, tone, and many more for improved quality. 

So, these are some of the most useful features of the QuillBot summary generator. Now, let us head towards EditPad. 

EditPad Summary Generator – Overview

Summary Generator by EditPad is also an AI-powered online summarizing tool that quickly summarizes long pieces into short ones without changing with affecting the original meaning. The tool uses a combination of NLP and ML algorithms. The NLP algorithms help the tool to efficiently understand the input, while ML algorithms contribute to generating a concise summary of the input text. 

Moreover, it works on the extractive summarization technique, which means it will generate a summary by using the best sentences (as it is) from the input text. 

Like the QuillBot summary generator, it also offers multiple input options. Users can either provide input by pasting/typing the text or by uploading the file. Moreover, the EditPad summary generator is available in 11 different languages. This availability allows people from different parts of the world to make use of it in their native language. 

It is a freemium generator, but it does not limit its users, either free or premium ones, to a certain word limit like the QuillBot summary generator. Instead, it offers unlimited word summarizing limits. 

Useful Features of EditPad Summary Generator

Now, let us take a look at some of the most notable features. 

  1. Multiple Summarizing Modes:

One of the most noticeable features of the EditPad summary generator is that it offers two summarizing modes. This can be extremely beneficial for users with different output requirements. This feature is something that QuillBot does not offer. 

The modes’ names are Summarizer and AI Summarizer PRO. The first is available for free, while the second is paid. To provide you with a better understanding of the modes of working, we have purchased the premium plan for this generator. 

AI Summarizer: This mode summarizes the given text by extracting the best/main points from it and then generating a short and concise summary using AI. 

AI Summarizer PRO: As the name indicates, this mode is the pro version of the first one. It will summarize text by utilizing a diverse set of AI algorithms. To provide you with a better idea, see the image below.

Remember, this mode is paid. 

 2. Customized summary length: 

Like QuillBot, the EditPad summary generator also allows users to adjust the length of the summarized text. 

However, the only difference is that QuillBot asks users to adjust the summary length from “Short to long,” while EditPad asks them to adjust it in the form of a percentage “0% to 100%”. To demonstrate this, we have summarized a piece of text from this article while selecting output summary length to 31%. The output we got is as follows: 

But keep this in mind, the adjustable summary feature is only available with the “Summarizer” mode. The AI Summarizer does not support this feature. 

 3. Show summarized text in a paragraph or bullets:

The EditPad summary generator also allows you to arrange the output either in the form of bullets or in the form of paragraphs.

Output in the form of bullets can be beneficial for users who quickly want to understand the main idea behind the long pieces of text. On the other hand, paragraph output can be beneficial for those who want to use the summarized text. 

You already know how EditPad provides results in the form of paragraphs, so here we will show you how it provides results in the form of bullets. 

4. Multiple built-in tools: 

Remember QuillBot only offers the integration of one tool, but EditPad offers multiple integrated tools that include a paraphraser and plagiarism checker. This integration shows how versatile the tool is.

The paraphraser can be used to rephrase the summarized text by changing synonyms for improved clarity. On the other hand, a plagiarism checker can be used to check the plagiarism of the summarized text. The integration of these tools will save a lot of time and effort for the users that they will spend on paraphrasing or plagiarism checking using different tools. 

QuillBot Vs EditPad Summary Generator – Head-to-Head Comparison Table

Key Features QuillBot Summary Generator EditPad Summary Generator
Availability  Available in both free & versions Available in both free & versions
Word count limit  600 for free users and 1200 for registered users. Unlimited word limit for both free and paid users
Different Summarizing mode No summarizing modes Two summarizing modes
Integration of other tools Only one integrated tool (Paraphraser) Two integrated tools (Plagiarism Checker & Paraphraser)
Multilingual Support Only Supports English (in four different dialects) Support 11 languages
Adjustable summary length feature Yes Only available for one mode
Output results in paragraphs or bullets  Yes Yes

Who has the Best Summary Generator? QuillBot or EditPad?

After reviewing both these generators in detail, we can conclude that EditPad is the best summary generator as compared to QuillBot. The are several reasons why it is declared the best. The reasons are listed below:

  • Offers two summarizing modes.
  • No summarizing limit.
  • Support up to 11 international languages.
  • Integration of multiple tools.

QuillBot Summary generator does not offer any of these features to the users. So, we think the EditPad summary generator should be your pick as the best summary generator. 

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